The Making Of – Special M50 Edition

For this week’s making of blog post I decided to make the M50 for the contest.

I wanted to keep with the art style of the comic here.  So at first I created the line art I would use.


After that was finished, I filled it in with block coloring to get the color design I wanted.  I decided to go with the grey of our Cutlass, the Havik, but with some green in the paint job.


After this I went in to the colors to add my shading/texturing technique.


The next step in my process is the overlay lines that I like to use for some added detail.


Adding in some running lights, the engine trail, and the space background it was almost complete!


But to finalize this piece, I had to add the Cargo Liberation & Salvage logo to the side and wing.


I hope everyone enjoys this special edition making of blog.  Just thought I would share a bit about my process of creating ships, with this one in particular for the contest, wish me luck!